Hutchison Trademark Attorney Meets with Widener Students in Harrisburg, PA
Devon E. White, a Trademark attorney with Hutchison PLLC of Raleigh, NC, recently introduced Widener School of Law students to the top trademark concerns and questions for businesses. Ms. White, who also works as an adjunct law professor with both the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina Central University, discussed a wide range of topics with a trademark class at Widener’s Harrisburg, PA campus. Those matters involved:
- The legal and business considerations for applying for a trademark.
- The strategies involved in protecting a trademark and brand.
- How companies can best develop a legally protectable trademark.
- Affordable approaches for clients to secure a protectable mark, including trademark searches and availability and clearance opinions.
- Various trends in trademark protection and enforcement and trademark practice.
Through the presentation, students learned strategies for counseling early stage companies and startups with important brand development and protection strategies and how a client can best create a trademark that can build and sustain business. “I enjoy meeting with law students at schools to hear their perspectives on the field and to answer their queries about branding strategies and building and maintaining strategic domestic and international portfolios,” Ms. White said. “Having such discussions can help students fully understand how the United States Patent and Trademark Office works and how trademarks not only effect the legal world, but the day-to-day life in business.” For more information, please contact Devon White at 919-829-4309.