Biggest Legal Mistakes in Your Startup, with Hutchison's Justyn Kasierski

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Biggest Legal Mistakes in Your Startup, with Hutchison's Justyn Kasierski

May 19, 2021

Today we have something a little different for you. Justyn Kasierski, partner at Hutchison PLLC, shares some of the biggest legal mistakes that we see startups making - and what you can do to prevent them from happening to you.
GIVEAWAY: A few episodes back, Robbie Hardy shared the unbelievable story about how she used a magic 8-ball to help her decide whether or not to sell her company. All signs pointed to yes for her, and she had a successful exit. Well, we all have major decisions to make every day, so Hutchison thought it would be fun to give away one magic 8-ball each month in a drawing. And to enter the drawing, all you need to do is write a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen - and let us know by sending an email to